You want to mill an ellipse.

Marvin can only machine lines and arcs. In order to be able to mill ellipses, you must first be able to resolve these ellipses. To do this, set the system variable "PELLIPSE" to the value "1" before drawing the ellipse.

To do this, please proceed as follows:

  1. Please write the word "PELLIPSE" in the AutoCAD command line, but please without the "".
  2. Then please press the ENTER key.
  3. Please write the number 1 in the AutoCAD command line.
  4. Then press the ENTER key.
  5. Draw the ellipse.

Ellipses drawn in this way can be resolved with "Origin".

If you have to mill an existing ellipse, you can only resolve it with the function "Resolve Spline" of MarvinCAD and proceed accordingly. To save this setting permanently, this setting can be saved to your AutoCAD drawing template file (DWT).

Last update on 25.10.2021 by Florian Stallmann.

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